Sunday, 17 January 2016

Safeguarding and human rights

SAFEGUARDING & HUMAN RIGHTS - WHAT CADFA CAN CONTRIBUTE                                                                   
·         We believe that our children and others are safeguarded in a context and atmosphere of human rights.

·         We work for human rights and encourage children and others to value and work for human rights on the basis that all are equal.

·         We fight against all racism including Islamophobia, against an atmosphere of censorship, self-censorship and fear.

·         We believe that our children and others should grow up with the right and ability to look at the truth, examine critically what they are told and be equipped with peaceful ways to work for human rights.

·         CADFA has duties in relation to the government’s Prevent agenda both because it is a charity and because it does educational work, much of it with young people.

·         We are concerned that the Prevent policy has in some places been understood in a way that restricts discussion. We are horrified to learn that in some cases, discussion of Palestine per se has been seen as dangerous and not allowed.

·         We believe that the big danger comes from lack of consistency across the world, that unequal treatment (such as ignoring the human rights of some where others are seen as more important) causes mistrust, and that this can lead to dangerous behaviour.

·         We believe that the sort of work CADFA does, creating links between people, creating a safe space to discuss complex issues and working for human rights, is good for young people and safeguards them and all of us.

·         We want people who work with us to be confident that
  • (1)  Our work is to promote human rights and respect for international humanitarian law. 
  • (2)  We aim to bring people of different backgrounds (and faiths) together in Britain to learn about each other and work together to promote human rights.
  • (3)  We link them to people in other parts of the world, particularly Palestine.
  • (4)  We provide an inclusive, equal and safe place in which people can talk about current issues relating to human rights, and find peaceful ways to express their views to each other and to representatives for example MPs, MEPs, the UN.
  • (5)  Our events and meetings are open to all who have respect for others and respect their rights.
  • (6)  We have policies that relate to safeguarding, speakers and CADFA’s reputation. We have training for CADFA speakers and induction for visitors and volunteers
  • (7)  Our Trustees are responsible for our policies and keep these under review.

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