That was a wonderful day. Thank you everyone who came, took it seriously and contributed so much.
Here is a thank you letter to the NUT and to our speakers, because we want to thank you publicly.
I'd like to thank you all on behalf of CADFA and the people who have been sending messages ever since the School Twinning conference yesterday and found it very interesting and useful.

A very big thank you to the NUT for the use of your hall and great facilities ... it was great to be there and to know that we share concerns (and activities) with you. We hope to go on working with you (and see below). Please give our thanks to the very helpful people who sorted out the food (and everything else).
Una, thanks for your patience as chair with so many notes about changed timings and agenda!
Many thanks indeed to our wonderful panel of speakers - Amazing from the minute Shereen kicked off the conference in the right direction with her powerful speech through Kevin and Rania and every single one of you - I felt it was a real privilege to be there, and it was one of the rare times (for me) when I wanted more speaking from the front than workshop space as it was all so much to the point.
*I wanted to ask if it would be possible, where you have your talk written, to have a copy and put it on our blog? If not but you have something allied written, it would be great too to have it ... Don't worry if not, but we'd like to let more people know what you said, if we can.*

Thanks Eddie and Fiona, and also Una, for leading the workshops which looked energetic! (Eddie, I hope your MA afternoon was really good as you missed a vigorous part of the conference!!)
Sorcha and Ryan, thank you very much for your descriptions if your work with CADFA which encouraged us all!

NUT people, we wonder if there's any chance to ask for space again for something that came out of the discussion and then one of the workshops yesterday? We'd like to hold another public workshop on Prevent/free speech/ room to contest ideas/ values and education ... and invite others to this. We'll work these ideas up into a proposal and hope you'd consider sponsoring this... It seems just one useful outcome of this conference.

Abed, thank you so much for all the hard work, all day long, on translation (as well as your own talk) - your memory is just astonishing: few of us broke what we were saying early enough to make it easy for you and you did a great job.
Talal, we missed you of course - not only unable to leave Gaza but no electricity for Skype. But Abed read your talk and we are grateful to you for sending it. We look forward to you coming in person sometime, Talal, and never think this issue is forgotten.

I will thank Rudaina and Moin personally but don't seem to have their emails here.

Luca, thanks too for your timely intervention from the floor - and for the disagreement which was very useful and helped to open discussion.
John, thanks for your upbeat presentation at just the right time.
All in all, THANK YOU
- It was good to work with you all; there's so much to do; let's keep going.
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